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Playing and Having Fun with Kittens: Tips and Game Ideas

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Playing and Having Fun with Kittens: Tips and Game Ideas


Kittens need plenty of playtime and interaction. Playing engages them physically and mentally, and strengthens your bond. This article explores fun ways to play with kittens. Discover great toys for kittens, learn games you can enjoy together, and tips for safe play.

Top Toys Kittens Love

Kittens enjoy exploring toys that spark their curiosity and prey drive:

Feather wands and teaser toys

Dragging or bouncing feathered toys engages a kitten's hunting instincts. Watch them pounce!

Tunnels and boxes

Hide treats or toys inside cardboard boxes, paper bags, and tunnels. Kittens enjoy pawing and entering enclosed spaces.

Balls and rollers

Release a ping pong or catnip-filled ball and watch your kitten excitedly bat it around. Encourage chasing.

Interactive Games to Play Together

Have fun actively playing with your kitten:

Follow the leader

Walk around holding a toy, having your kitten follow its movement. Reverse roles too!

Hide and seek

Hide behind furniture with a toy peeking out. Kittens will enjoy finding you and pouncing.

Treat puzzles

Place treats inside boxes with holes. Kittens will figure out how to tilt, paw, and turn them over to get the treats out.

Tips for Safe Kitten Play

Keep your kitten's safety top of mind:

Use pet-safe toys

Avoid toys with loose parts that could detach and choke a kitten. Monitor their condition.

Redirect aggressive biting

If biting gets rough, substitute a toy to continue playing. Firmly say "no" to discipline bites.

Give resting breaks

Kittens tire quickly. Provide rest periods and water between lively play sessions.


Playing with kittens stimulates their bodies and minds while strengthening your relationship. Rotate lots of engaging toys. Join in the fun with interactive games. And keep safety a priority during all play. Both you and your kitten will treasure this special time together.


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