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How to Read a Puppy's Body Language and Mood

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How to Read a Puppy's Body Language and Mood


Unlike adult dogs, puppies have not yet mastered clear communication. But their body language still offers clues into their mood and needs. This article will explore how to interpret a puppy's signals, from tail wags to ear positions. Learn to understand when your puppy feels happy, anxious, playful, or fearful so you can respond appropriately.

Happy and Playful Signals

When comfortable, puppies exhibit engaged and enthusiastic behaviors:

Relaxed Tail Wagging

Happy puppies wag their tails loosely back and forth. Fast wagging with wide side-to-side motion reflects excitement.

Bright Eyes and Ears

Puppies feeling playful have wide eyes, raised ears, and attentive expressions. Eager body language shows anticipation.

Open Mouth and Panting

An open mouth with tongue out, often accompanied by panting, suggests a relaxed and stress-free puppy ready for fun.

Signs of Anxiety or Worry

Puppies may display uneasiness in unfamiliar or stressful situations:

Lowered Tail and Ears

A puppy feeling insecure will hold their tail and ears low and close to their body.

Averted Eyes

Anxious puppies avoid eye contact. Turning their head or gazing away shows discomfort.

Yawning and Lip Licking

Excessive yawning and lip licking when not tired or hungry can signal nervousness or anxiety building up.

Identifying Fear and Aggression

Very fearful puppies exhibit defensive body language:

Tucked Tail

When frightened, puppies tuck their tail tightly against their belly.

Raised Hair

The fur along a puppy's back may raise up when sensing a threat, as an instinctive reaction.

Bared Teeth

A puppy prepared to bite will often pull their lips back to expose teeth.


While still developing clear signals, puppies express a variety of moods through body language. Paying close attention helps identify needs and prevent problem behaviors. With time and training, cues become more defined for smooth communication.


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